Each week, I will promote the current week to the top of the Outline. You can find Past Assignments just below the Current Assignments.

Current Assignments

April 20 – online, we will connect on Zoom

Introduction to HTML Forms and Programming

Watch HTML Form video and review the tutorial before the Zoom

Watch Intro to Programming tutorials and review code – get a general sense of the programming concepts we will use.

Quiz 7 HTML Forms due April 24

April 22, online

JavaScript & DOM Manipulation – Interactive Quiz exercise

Watch and review Interactive JavaScript Tutorial and Interactive Quiz – Dropdowns (this one is not on the navigation for the Codeactually site yet, just follow the link). For both these exercises, there are Glitch projects for you to Remix and work with the code. See the top of each page under Resources.

Quiz 8 JavaScript Quiz – due May 1

April 27, online, we will connect on Zoom

Discuss DOM Manipulation and Interactive JavaScript

We will discuss some of these additional features on the Zoom.

Adding Google Analytics to your site.

Add a Favicon to your site – create a square image of your site logo and use a Favicon generator to generate the favicon.ico file that will be 16×16 pixels. Then upload this file in the root of your domain for the browser to find. if you need different favicons for different pages or folders within your site, see the instructions at the link to provide the code to your html pages.

Work on Final Project’s Interactive Component

April 29, online

Work on Interactive Element of Final Project

May 4, online, we will connect on Zoom

Introduction to a self-hosted WordPress site; next course Managing Digital Content – See WordPress Tutorial for more information on this process.

Other features of Reclaim Hosting – CPanel – setting up email, addon domains, file manager, dns zone editor, phpmyadmin

Join FB Group for Web Design Students – private group. Ask to join and I will approve you.

More coding content in Advanced Digital Design and Managing Online Content courses.

May 8 Final Project Due

Final Project – add an interactive element to your final project, something that demonstrates how user input can change the page. This can be a quiz, calculator or other interactive element.

Past Assignments

April 13, online, we will connect on Zoom

Work on Project 4 Multimedia Project in Bootstrap

Creating a Subdomain – use the Reclaim Hosting Cpanel to create a subdomain for your project, something like subdomain.yourdomain.com. Leave the Domain and Directory Root with what is in the default. You can see all subdomains listed below on this page.

Encrypt Subdomain – Reclaim Hosting gives you a free SSL certificate for your domain, and you can install free SSL certificates for any subdomains you create, so you can use https:// for links to your site. This allows any information that goes across your site to be encrypted. In order to use the https security for your site, you should also go to the Let’s Encrypt option under Security on the Cpanel and Issue the certificate for the new subdomain.

April 15, online

Project 4 multimedia reporting project – When you login with an ftp program, you will find the subdomain under the / folder. Upload all associated .html, .css and images with the proper file structure to this subdomain. Make a link to it on your Assignment page and reload that page to public_html. Turn this in by Sunday, April 19

April 6, online – we will connect via Zoom

This is a video demonstration of Premiere, since most of you are using the Adobe CC programs. I also have an iMovie handout below, if you prefer to use it for your video projects.

iMovie Handout – iMovie is free on a Mac computer and can do most of the basic editing that a more advanced program can do. Feel free to use whatever video editing program with which you are comfortable. There are even smartphone apps that allow you to edit video. Download the iMovie app for iPhone.

There are also Lynda.com/LinkedIn Learning tutorials for video editing. These are optional for you to review, but these trainings and practice will improve you video shooting and editing skills – Login here to get access to Lynda.com/LinkedIn Learning

Adobe Premiere Essential Training
iMovie Essential Training

Multimedia Journalism – We’ll review great work examples and discuss on the Zoom.
Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek – NY Times
A Game of Shark and Minnow – NY Times
The Jockey – NY Times
Firestorm – The Guardian
Collings Guitars – Jorge Sanhueza-Lyon
Lonestar Rod and Kustom Round Up – KUT
Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt – NPR
Graffiti Permission Wall – Andrew Goodwin
Examples and Articles
Interactive Narratives
Innovative Interactivity

No quiz for this week. Focus on creating a short video that demonstrates the features covered in the demo.

Assignment: Create and edit a short video that demonstrates interviews and b-roll. Load it to YouTube and embed it on your Assignment page on your website, with a description of the project and the techniques you used. Do this by Sunday, April 12 at midnight.

Slack Post: #multimedia What are some of your favorite multimedia projects? Find projects that are not just standalone videos, but that integrate video with other media throughout a site. Why do you like these projects? What are some of the features of the projects that appeal to you. Due April 7 by midnight.

April 8 online

Watch Videos:  IV – People Power (feel free to watch Part III as well, but it’s not required. Each section is about 45 minutes long, so give yourself time). Make a Slack post about the video on #peoplepower channel. What elements were the most interesting? What has happened in social media since this video was made? What are the trends for the future of social media? Due before class time on Monday.

Begin work on your multimedia project. What is your topic? Start creating the website and gathering multimedia (text, photos, video).

April 1, online

Bootstrap Continued

Additional Lynda.com Tutorials – Login here to get access to Lynda.com.
Bootstrap 4 Essential Training

Quiz 6 Advanced Bootstrap, due on April 3 by midnight

March 30, online – we will connect on a Zoom

Bootstrap Continued

March 16-27 Spring Break

Schedule is updated with Future Assignments moved to the top of the Outline.

Over Spring Break, work on putting Bootstrap features in your personal site. Upload those files to your website to complete your personal site. We will discuss when we have a Zoom on March 30 at 7:30pm.

March 9 and 11


Bootstrap Tutorial – developing a site using a templating system


  • Watch videos: Download: The True Story of the Internet; blog post about video. Watch Parts I – Browsers, II – Search. Each section is about 45 minutes long, so give yourself time). Make a Slack post on #searchbrowsers about the videos. What elements were the most interesting? What did you learn about innovation by watching these videos? What has happened in the realm of digital media in the areas of Search and Browsers since this video series came out? Be specific in your post, using examples from the videos. Complete this before 4pm on Friday.
  • Take Quiz 5 on Bootstrap

March 2 & 4 – online classes both days this week, due by midnight March 5

Feb. 26, online, due by midnight Feb. 27

Work on Responsive Design project


Complete Project 2 Responsive Design

Feb. 24, in person

Apply Responsive Design

CSS Grid
Flexbox vs CSS Grid
Using Google Fonts – add fonts to your drawer and add embed snippet in head of your document above your stylesheet. Then you can use the fonts in your stylesheet.

Additional Lynda.com Tutorials – Login here to get access to Lynda.com.
CSS Essentials I
Responsive Layout
Photoshop – The Basics

Feb. 17, in person

CSS Review

Using Images and Graphics on the Web
Intro. to Photoshop

Begin Project 2: Apply CSS for graphics and layout to every page of your HTML site; create the desired layout and color scheme;

Feb. 19, online, due by midnight Feb. 20

Design Principles

Related Links

Eight Basic Design Principles

Responsive Design

Responsive Design Tutorial – CodeActually.com; review this tutorial, watch the associated video and change your CSS to include responsive techniques for fluid layout, fluid images and media queries.

Related Links
Responsive Design
Introduction to Media Queries
Responsive vs. Mobile Site vs. Mobile App


  • Take Quiz 4 Design Techniques and Responsive Design on TRACS
  • Apply Responsive Techniques to your site’s CSS

Feb. 10 & 12 – online classes both days this week, due by midnight Feb. 13

History of the Internet: Part I – How the Internet Was Invented
History of the Internet: Part II – How the Web Became a Thing
History of the Internet: Part III – The Data Explosion
How the Web Works – This video provides more information about how the Web works.

Cascading Stylesheets for Layout and Design (CSS)
Watch CSS Tutorials
Review: CSS Properties Handout


  • Watch all the videos. Create a post on our Slack discussion #internethistory: What was most interesting about what you learned in these videos? What didn’t you know about the history of the Internet and Web before watching?
  • Do a Slack post – find three sites you think are well designed and why? Provide links, screenshots of images that demonstrate your points. #websites.
  • Take Quiz 3 on CSS

Feb. 3, in person

Advanced HTML exercises

Publishing Your Site
Setting Up Hosting and Transferring Files


  • You may want to review additional HTML tutorials on Lynda.com. You have free access to Lynda.com tutorials as a student.
  • If you have a Mac, you can install Fetch on your own computer. For a PC, use FileZilla.

Feb. 5, online, due by midnight Feb. 6

Due Project 1 – HTML Personal Site
When your project is complete, submit your url on this Google Form.

Jan. 29, online due by midnight Jan.30

History of Internet & Web
How Web Works

Watch Videos:

Watch: History of the Internet

Watch: HTML continued, review tutorials and watch videos – Lists, Tables, HTML Navigation, Other Elements, FTP

The Evolution of the Web 
Glossary of Internet Terms

Bond Capital Internet Trends, 2019
How Search Engines Work


  • Review the Trends report above. What do you think are the most significant Internet trends? Why? What new trends do you think will be included in the 2020 report when it is released? Use #internettrends on Slack.
  • Take Quiz 2 – basic HTML concepts
  • Begin work on personal site – Project 1
  • Setup your Reclaim Hosting account with domain.
  • Download Fetch or other ftp program on your own computer. If you have Mac OS 10.15 Catalina, the Fetch version on the TXST Software Downloads page will not work. But download that version to get access to the Serial Name and Number (Fetch, About). Then, you can download the Fetch 5.8 version and get a free upgrade with those educational serial number credentials.

Jan 27, in person

Make sure you have reviewed the tutorials and videos on CodeActually.com for Getting Started, Basic Elements, Inserting Images, Links.

In class Basic HTML exercise – Starting from scratch, in an html editor, create a page that has the elements that you covered in the videos last week. Set up the basic elements (html, head, body) then add a few paragraphs with content, insert one image. Add external links with descriptions in your page, having them open in a new window. Check your code. Make sure it is formatted properly and that all elements are formed and closed properly. Begin to formulate this page into your home page of your personal site.

Web Hosting – Reclaim Hosting.  Set up account. We will use during next in person session.

Discuss FTP

Jan 22 – online, due by midnight Jan. 24

Introductions and Syllabus

Jobs Presentation

  • Look for the invitation to join the digitaldesigntxst.slack.com Slack channel and be ready to make required posts. Make sure you include your first and last name as a display name and provide a photo in your profile. In the #general channel, post a brief, video introduction — your full name, where you are from, what you did before coming to our program, why you are taking the course and what you hope to get out of it. You can download the Slack app to your smartphone to make posting the video easier, if you shoot it on your phone.
  • Take Quiz 1 on Syllabus/Intro and Jobs Presentation
  • Review the Basic Web Design Tutorials before class on Mon. – Watch Videos
    • HTML Tutorials on CodeActually.com – Getting Started, Basic Elements, Inserting Images, Links
    • As you are working with the tutorials, use an HTML editor (Brackets, Atom, Notepad++) and try the code samples. Bring the files you worked on to class on Monday.